Thursday 18 September 2014

Upgrading to iOS 8 on an Old Phone? Prepare for Trouble, but Do It Anyway

Do you have an old iPhone or iPad? Have you been planning on upgrading to iOS 8, Apple’s newest operating system, which was made available this week? Are you excited about the switch, fancying a free way to have a better-looking interface with new features?
Well, tamp down your expectations. Turn your smile upside down. Your old phone or tablet probably isn’t going to run Apple’s latest operating system nearly as well as on the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. If you upgrade on an old iPhone, it might become slightly slower and more cumbersome. You might notice some frustrating visual stuttering, a poor old dog straining under the stress of learning new tricks.
And yet, despite all that: you should probably upgrade anyway.
This advice mainly concerns people who have the iPhone 4S or the iPad 2, the phone and tablet Apple released in 2011. These are the oldest devices that iOS 8 runs on — if you have anything older, you can’t upgrade anyway.
Upgrading old devices involves a cost-benefit analysis. Many of the headline benefits to iOS 8 are nice but not totally necessary. The operating system has a few better-designed apps, a new keyboard with typing suggestions, and Family Sharing, a way to legally share songs and movies between a small number of devices. The new OS also signals a new, more open Apple — it gives developers more access to create more powerful apps in the operating system, including support for third-party keyboards and password managers that rely on the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. Of course, if you have an iPhone 5 or 4S, you don’t even have a fingerprint scanner, so that’s no big deal to you.
What are the costs of upgrading? Performance. Ars Technica installed iOS 8 on the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2, and in both cases it found that apps opened up slightly more slowly under the new OS. It took about 2 seconds instead of 1 to open up Safari on a 4S running iOS 8 rather than 7. On the iPad 2, the Mail app took about a second longer to open on iOS 8 versus iOS 7. These may sound like small delays, but remember that they’ll add up — a second here and there as you move around the OS turns into valuable minutes of your day.
The problem isn’t just time, but also how the device feels as it chugs through your commands. Ars says that on both the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2 running iOS 8, the interface responded less than smoothly to commands. “Screen rotation is stuttery, and any time some part of the OS needs to slide into place (text centering, apps minimizing), it can’t do it smoothly,” the site says of the iPad 2. Anandtech, which conducts deeply technical reviews of new hardware and software, said that on an iPad 3 — that is, not even the oldest Apple tablet that will run iOS 8 — “the software feels like it’s not even finished.”
All these sites come down somewhere in the middle on the question of upgrading. Ars says that you should upgrade to iOS 8 if you have an iPhone 4S, but not if you have an iPad. Anandtech recommends against upgrading for older tablets.
But there’s one feature that that I think sways the calculation in favor of the new OS: iOS 8 is more secure than iOS 7, especially from the prying eyes of authorities. Apple says that when you set a passcode on devices running iOS 8, the phone encrypts your data with a key that Apple has no access to. This means that your photos, texts, email, contacts, call history and other data can’t be accessed even if Apple is served with a warrant to provide that data. Security experts say that Apple has addressed several other important software vulnerabilities in iOS 8.
This does not mean your iOS 8 device is totally secure from the government — there are other ways to get at your data, especially if someone has access to the computer with which you sync your phone or tablet — but it does represent a big leap forward in security and privacy. Big enough, I think, to switch — even if everything won’t go smoothly.