Saturday 1 November 2014

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password

After the long holiday, first I want to say Merry Christmas and Happy new year 2014 to you. Today we will learn about 5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password. A lot of readers send many request regarding how to crack wireless WPA2 password in our request tutorial page.According to Wikipedia :
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) are two security protocols and security certification programs developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to secure wireless computer networks. The Alliance defined these in response to serious weaknesses researchers had found in the previous system, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
A flaw in a feature added to Wi-Fi, called Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), allows WPA and WPA2 security to be bypassed and effectively broken in many situations. Many access point they have a Wifi Protected Setup enabled by default (even after we hard reset the access point).
1. Wireless card (support promiscuous mode)
In this tutorial I use ALFA AWUS036H from Amazon.
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
2. Access point with WPA2 and WPS enables

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password:

1. Open our terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and type airmon-ng (view tips and tricks how to create keyboard shortcut on kali linux)
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
this command will lists our wireless card that attached with our system.
2. The next step we need to stop our wireless monitor mode by running airmon-ng stop wlan0
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
3. Now we ready to capture the wireless traffic around us. By running airodump-ng wlan0 our wireless interface will start capturing the data.
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
From the picture above, we can see many available access point with all the information. In the green box is our victim access point which is my own access point :-)
BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification): the MAC address of access point
PWR: Signal level reported by the card.
Beacons: Number of announcements packets sent by the AP
#Data: Number of captured data packets (if WEP, unique IV count), including data broadcast packets.
#/s: Number of data packets per second measure over the last 10 seconds.
CH: Channel number (taken from beacon packets).
MB: Maximum speed supported by the AP. If MB = 11, it's 802.11b, if MB = 22 it's 802.11b+ and higher rates are 802.11g.
ENC: Encryption algorithm in use.
CIPHER: The cipher detected. TKIP is typically used with WPA and CCMP is typically used with WPA2.
AUTH: The authentication protocol used.
ESSID: Shows the wireless network name. The so-called “SSID”, which can be empty if SSID hiding is activated.
4. From the step 3 above, we can find access point with encryption algorithm WPA2 and note the AP channel number. Now we will find out whether target AP has WPS enabled or not.
wash -i wlan0 -c 8 -C -s
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
if the WPS Locked status is No, then we ready to crack and move to step 5.
5. The last step is cracking the WPA2 password using reaver.
reaver -i <your_interface> -b <wi-fi victim MAC address> –fail-wait=360
Because we already get the information from step 3 above, so my command look like this:
reaver -i wlan0 -b E0:05:C5:5A:26:94 –fail-wait=360
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
it took about 5 hours to crack 19 characters WPA2 password ( from my Kali virtualBox, but it depend with our hardware and wireless card.
1. WPA and WPA2 security implemented without using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) feature are unaffected by the security vulnerability.
2. To prevent this attack, just turn off our WPS/QSS feature on our access point. See picture below (I only have the Chinese version :-P )
- See more at:

Friday 31 October 2014


Keylogger is a software program or hardware device that is used to monitor and log each of the keys a user types into a computer keyboard. The user who installed the program or hardware device can then view all keys typed in by that user. Because these programs and hardware devices monitor the keys typed in a user can easily find user passwords and other information a user may not wish others to know about.
Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees use work computers for business purposes only. Unfortunately, keyloggers can also be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party.

 About keyloggers

key loggersA keylogger is a program that runs in the background, recording all the keystrokes. Once keystrokes are logged, they are hidden in the machine for later retrieval, or shipped raw to the attacker. The attacker then peruses them carefully in the hopes of either finding passwords, or possibly other useful information that could be used to compromise the system or be used in a social engineering attack. For example, a keylogger will reveal the contents of all e-mail composed by the user. Keylogger is commonly included in rootkits.

A keylogger normally consists of two files: a DLL which does all the work and an EXE which loads the DLL and sets the hook. Therefore when you deploy the hooker on a system, two such files must be present in the same directory.

There are other approaches to capturing info about what you are doing.

    * Some keyloggers capture screens, rather than keystrokes.
    * Other keyloggers will secretly turn on video or audio recorders, and transmit what they capture over your internet connection. 

A keyloggers might be as simple as an exe and a dll that are placed on a machine and invoked at boot via an entry in the registry. Or a keyloggers could be which boasts these features:

    * Stealth: invisible in process list
    * Includes kernel keylogger driver that captures keystrokes even when user is logged off (Windows 2000 / XP)
    * ProBot program files and registry entries are hidden (Windows 2000 / XP)
    * Includes Remote Deployment wizard
    * Active window titles and process names logging
    * Keystroke / password logging
    * Regional keyboard support
    * Keylogging in NT console windows
    * Launched applications list
    * Text snapshots of active applications.
    * Visited Internet URL logger
    * Capture HTTP POST data (including logins/passwords)
    * File and Folder creation/removal logging
    * Mouse activities
    * Workstation user and timestamp recording
    * Log file archiving, separate log files for each user
    * Log file secure encryption
    * Password authentication
    * Invisible operation
    * Native GUI session log presentation
    * Easy log file reports with Instant Viewer 2 Web interface
    * HTML and Text log file export
    * Automatic E-mail log file delivery
    * Easy setup & uninstall wizards

Saturday 11 October 2014

13-year old girl going to Mars?

In recent news, a 13-year old girl by the name of Alyssa Carlson that is the primary candidate to finish the Passport System of NASA, and is setting her sights on being the first individual to step foot on Mars. Towards becoming an astronaut her work has brought the interest of NASA, that have said the adolescent has what is needed to reach her aim.

NASA have awarded Alyssa the name of “Blueberry,” and she’s already experienced training with all the space bureau and was also the very first man to have seen all three of its own world space camps. Alyssa gave a lecture in front of 400 other budding astronauts to some camp.Alyssa is the topic of a short BBC movie charting her advancement, as she works arm in arm with NASA to do the extensive training that’s demanded of her, which documents the Louisiana native. Alyssa’s conclusion of the“Passport to Research Space Program” wanted her to see all ofNASA’s Visitors Centres across nine states, which Alyssa finished within an issue of five months, the primary man to achieve this.
She’s doing the correct thing, she’s doing the correct training, taking all of the appropriate measures to truly become an astronaut.”
“In 20 years I may never see Alyssa again, you can find alternatives out there where they go to Mars and do not come back, and we have had those discussions, and if that is the only choice she still needs to go.”

It remains to be seen how Alyssa will feel about space exploration twenty years from now. But it is nice to imagine this little young lady is willing to go above and beyond (literally) for her space aspirations. This will be a wonderful story to follow and I will definitely stay on top of it for further readings on the matter.

Snowden Reveals U.S. Government Plans to Spy for Corporations, Despite Telling the Public Otherwise

Snowden Reveals U.S. Government Plans to Spy for Corporations, Despite Telling the Public Otherwise

Snowden Reveals U.S. Government Plans to Spy for Corporations, Despite Telling the Public Otherwise
Written by: Cadence

The NSA have once again proved hypocritical. Despite a spokesman writing to The Washington Post last August claiming “The department does ***not*** engage in economic espionage in any domain, including cyber”, top secret plans have proposed otherwise.
American lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald has released a 2009 memo that clearly defined “technology acquisition by any means” to give American corporations an advantage in global markets. The report was provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowdon.
It has already been revealed that Brazilian oil giant Petrobas, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank and international banking systems were all spied on, amongst many others. Even the EU antitrust commissioner investigating Google, Microsoft and Intel was targeted.
In response to the Petrobas revelations, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted collecting “information about economic and financial matters”, but categorically denied more morally questionable purposes. He said: “What we do not do…is use our foreign intelligence capabilities to steal the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of –or give intelligence we collect to- U.S. companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase their bottom line”.
The report, however, shows exactly plans to do just that. It focused on the possibility if “the United States’ technological and innovative edge slips”, particularly “that the technological capacity of foreign multinational corporations could outstrip that of U.S. corporations”. Energy, medicine, information technology and nanotechnology were all listed as crucial areas where this could happen.
In this case, the report recommended “a multi-pronged, systematic effort to gather open source andproprietary information through overt means, clandestine penetration (through physical and cyber means), and counterintelligence”. Notably, the memo discussed “cyber operations” to penetrate “covert centers of innovation”.
While some may even believe the NSA should have the right to protect the U.S’s financial position globally, the hypocrisy of the situation cannot be ignored. In May, five Chinese government employees were indicted for spying on U.S. companies. Attorney General Eric Holder said this was done “for no reason other than to advantage state-owned companies and other interests in China”, and “this is a tactic that the U.S. government categorically denounces”.
The fascinating 2009 memo also contemplated scenarios the U.S. intelligence community felt they may face in 2025. These included a “China/Russia/India/Iran centred bloc (that) challenges U.S. supremacy”, and even a world where “identity-based groups supplant nation-states”.

17-Year-Old Guy Awarded $50,000 for His Gun Inventions

17-Year-Old Guy Awarded $50,000 for His Gun Inventions


17-Year-Old Guy Awarded $50,000 for His Gun Inventions
Written by: NiRA

There is a group from Silicon Valley which gave a 17 year-old guy named Kai Kloepfer $50,000 to carry on his experiments with guns.
The Smart Tech Challenges Foundation which is centred in California’s tech capital, announced that it is sponsoring a young inventor who is from Colorado and is assimilating a biometric sensor into a weapon that demands a certified user’s fingerprint to release, and they also claim that the sensor is 99.99% exact with fingerprint identification even with fractional prints. colorado-kid-gun
Kai Kloepfer is a high school student from Boulder, Colorado and is Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) 2013 Grand Award winner and he is the first Benefactor of the $1 million Smart Tech for Firearms Challenge.
The foundation stated in a release that they will be awarding grants to a total of 15 inventors who areworking to improve weapon safety by evolving customization features in weapons, locking devices and ammunition systems.

Kai stated:-
“It’s going to be my generation – the ones who have grown up with digital technology and electronic integration – that will lead the way in the development and adoption of smart gun technology.”
“This type of technology has previously only existed in science fiction movies. But young people are open to exploring our options as consumers and as innovators. I have real hope that we can apply biometric technology to firearms in order to reduce accidental deaths and injuries, and to prevent tragedies.”
Ron Conway is well-known Silicon Valley investor and the founding contributor to the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation; he said that it’s time for a major upgrade in gun technology.

Conway stated in an interview with the Washington Post:-
“We need the iPhone of guns”

And through the immense attention that Apple earned with their upcoming series of iPhone and Apple Watch smart technology, gun investors who wanted to push the industry in the biotech empire may get some real assistance.
Conway added:-
“The entrepreneur who does this right could be the Mark Zuckerberg of guns,”

Smart Tech announced the following info:-
“Kai is receiving the $50,000 grant to apply toward the integration of a fingerprint scanner, which can be programmed for a virtually unlimited number of users, from a plastic model of a Beretta Px4 Storm onto a live firearm. The sensor that Kai is working with boasts a 99.99% accurate fingerprint recognition rate—even with partial prints. He has already used a part of his Foundation grant to purchase a professional-grade 3D printer to create new parts for his prototype.”
Smart Tech tells that the young inventor Kai began working on his technology parts as a reaction to the shooting at the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, the theatre is just about an hour’s drive from his residence. On September 13th Kai will be speaking at TEDx Mile High: CONVERGENCE in Denver, Colorado to discuss his advanced technological approach to weapons safety.

Edward Snowden to Receive Hollywood Makeover With Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Edward Snowden to Receive Hollywood Makeover With Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Edward Snowden to Receive Hollywood Makeover With Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Written by: Cadence

Joseph Gordon-Levitt will be taking on the role of whistleblower Edward Snowden in a forthcoming biopic. Oliver Stone will be writing and directing The Snowden Files.
The movie will be based on ‘The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man’, written by Guardian journalist Luke Harding, and ‘Time of the Octopus’, a novel by Snowden’s lawyer Anatoly Kycherena.
The movie is currently in pre-production stages, with release scheduled for 2016. It is likely filming will begin at the end of 2014 or early 2015.
joseph-gordon-levitt-141008-618x400Former NSA contractor Snowden is currently living in Russia as part of a temporary asylum agreement. He faces a 30-year prison sentence if he returns to the US, for releasing details of large scale surveillance undertaken by intelligence services. The movie will likely cover Snowden’s revelations of the government’s PRISM program, which used clandestine methods to harvest communication records from citizens across the US. 
Actor Gordon-Levitt has previously undertaken key roles in The Dark Knight Rises, Looper, Inception and Lincoln. Stone is experienced in working in the political genre, having directed biopics Nixon and W. about former presidents Nixon and George W. Bush. He also directed documentary series The Untold History of the United States, which looked beyond the official versions of key events since WWII, including the War on Terror.
Fans of Snowden will be hoping the film is more truthful than 2013’s The Fifth Estate, an adaptation of the Wikileaks story with Julian Assange portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. The movie was condemned by the website itself, which leaked a script and released a 4,000 word memo exposing its biased inaccuracies

The Man Who Changed Lives – One Meal at a Time

The Man Who Changed Lives – One Meal at a Time

The Man Who Changed Lives – One Meal at a Time
Written by: Cadence

What made a man with the world at his feet, give up 5 star surroundings for the poverty-stricken streets of Madurai, India?
Narayanan Krishnan had graduated with a degree and was on track to become an award-winning chef in Switzerland, when he took a trip to his Indian hometown.
It was here that a single moment would change his life forever. He saw an elderly man who was forced to eat his own faeces through desperate hunger.  Recognising that so many were starving and filthy, living in dire poverty, the chef decided to devote his life to helping the man and others like him. Indian-homeless
Since 2002 he has done just that, providing food, hygiene and a friendly face to the homeless, elderly, sick and mentally ill in Madurai. He cooks traditional meals to ease their hunger, and provides a wash, haircut and shave to help the destitute begin to feel human again.
Narayanan says “the food will give them physical nutrition. The love and affection which you show will give them mental nutrition”.  The inspirational chef added “food is one part. Love is another part”. In a country where the caste system still prevails, Brahmins like Narayanan are the highest regarded status in society. It is unheard of for members of the social elite to interact with the homeless in this way.
In its initial year, he fed around 30 people using his own personal savings. By 2011, Krishnan had served 1.7 million meals. In 2013 the project developed into The Akshaya Trust, a residential home housing 450. By providing shelter, care and three healthy meals a day, the aim is to restore human dignity and change lives. In 2010 he was awarded a place in the top 10 in CNN’s Heroes 2010 list, and even spoke at one an independently organised TEDx event.
Last month, The Akshaya Trust was cleared of allegations that illegal organ transplantation and sexual harassment were taking place within the home. The claims, made by a 21-year-old mentally disabled woman, were thrown out by a Madras high court. Having tormented the charity since June, Akshaya is finally free to continue its work.
Despite these setbacks, Narayanan’s message is still something we can all learn from. He said: “There are thousands and thousands, and lots and lots of people suffering. What is the ultimate purpose of life? It’s to give. Start giving. See the joy of giving”.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

5 Million Gmail Accounts Hacked & Leaked Publicly!

5 Million Gmail Accounts Hacked & Leaked Publicly!

5 Million Gmail Accounts Hacked & Leaked Publicly!
Written by Anonymous

Beware Gmail users, your usernames and passwords were probably leaked online! That’s right, approximately 5-million Gmail account credentials, both e-mail address and password, have been embezzled, then, made available for the public through an online forum, which caused a large number of users worldwide to change their Gmail password again. The website which published the links to the stolen e-mail credentials seemed to have been a Russian forum website. The credentials were also aforementioned to be old and likely sourced from consecutive data breaches beforehand. It is believed that the leaked passwords are not necessarily those used to access Gmail accounts, but seem to have been accumulated from other websites where users used their Gmail addresses to register.

Yes, It’s Russian!

The news was received with great shock the time when a user posted a link to the stolen e-mail credentials on Reddit. This particular section of Reddit was frequented by hackers, both amateur and professional. The archive file containing nearly 5-million Gmail credentials, both e-mail addresses and plain text passwords was posted on a Russian Bitcoin security forum known as on Tuesday night by a user with an alias known as “tvskit”, which is a Russian news outlet (C News). The user who exposed Gmail user’s credentials said that almost 4.93 million accounts allegedly affected belonged to English, Russian and Spanish users and claimed that over 60 percent of accounts are active. This means, there is a silver lining in this leak, i.e., 40 percent of the passwords are invalid or out of date, which could be a good news for those Gmail users who have recently changed their passwords and are concerned about their account’s security – there’s a chance that they’re not at risk at all.

“We can’t confirm that it is indeed as much as 60 percent, but a great amount of the leaked data is legitimate.”, said Peter Kruse, the chief technology officer of CSIS Security Group.
Google Denies Security Breach
Google, in its defense, believes that the usernames and passwords didn’t come from a security breach of its system. That means, the credentials had been stolen by phishing campaigns, keyloggers, and unauthorized access to user accounts.

“It’s important to note that in this case and in others, the leaked usernames and passwords were not the result of a breach of Google systems,” Google, which operates Gmail e-mail service, explained in a post on its online security blog. “Often, these credentials are obtained through a combination of other sources.”

“We found that less than 2% of the username and password combinations might have worked, and our automated anti-hijacking systems would have blocked many of those login attempts. We’ve protected the affected accounts and have required those users to reset their passwords.”, said Google.

The leaked passwords not only give access to users’ Gmail accounts, but other Google services as well, including Google Drive, and the mobile payment system Google Wallet.

Defend Yourself!

There are numerous things you can do to defend yourself from this information leak, if you are a Gmail user, that is.

  • A website called com allows users to check if their email address is among those leaked. People who are concerned about the security of their account are advised to go ahead and change their password.

  • Have Google two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled and recommend you same to do this for Google and other accounts. Many web services, including Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Github and AWS, offer 2FA option, a security measure where users are required to provide a passcode sent to their mobile devices before any changes can be made to their account. This would prevent an attacker from logging in without access to a user’s smartphone.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Remove duplicate files the easy way

I have always wanted this kind of software. I have thousands of mp3 songs packed in various partitions of my hard disk. I have collected these songs from several places and keep them storing, but the problem while augmenting my collection is that I am never sure whether I have copied the set of songs before or not, so I just copy them irrespective of the fact that they may be already present. The consequence is that my limited 40GB hard disk space is almost full leaving me with no more space to store anything else.

That is why I always wanted a software that could compare the contents of two folders and remove the duplicate elements.

File Comparator is a program which compares any files by their contents. This utility allow you to quickly compare contents of any files in specified folders, and allow to show files which contain same data.

Isro to fire Mangalyaan into Mars orbit in a few hours; will India make space history?

India is on course to slip into Mars’ orbit on Wednesday after Isro scientists successfully tested the spacecraft’s main engine. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be at hand to watch the space agency’s bid to become the first country to conduct a successful Mars mission on its first attempt.
If the Mars Orbiter Mission, popularly known as Mangalyaan, is successful, India will join the US, European Space Agency and the former Soviet Union in the elite club of Martian explorers.
The Indian Space Research Organisation’s (Isro) mission control centre at Bengaluru is scheduled to fire the spacecraft’s main engine along with eight smaller liquid engines for about 24 minutes starting 7:17 am, a tricky manoeuvre that involves slowing down the spacecraft.

Read5 things to know about India's Mars Orbiter Mission
Meet the men behind India’s Mars Mission
“The spacecraft is travelling at a speed of 22 km/second and it is important that it be reduced to a speed of 1.6 km/second for it to be able to work with Mars’ gravity and insert itself into the orbit,” an Isro scientist said.
Most of MOM’s Mars orbit insertion will happen in the dark because the spacecraft will be around the surface of the planet that won’t receive sunlight. The first images of Mars will be transmitted to Isro’s Indian Deep Space Network facility at Byalalu in Karnataka in the afternoon.

ReadCBSE makes Mars move a must-view
Even if everything goes as planned, scientists in Isro Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (Istrac) at Bengaluru have to wait for a confirmation call from their Australian counterparts tracking MOM from Canberra, which is expected at 8:15 am.
In case the engine fails to ignite, Isro will be dependent on eight 22N thrusters which have the capability to insert the spacecraft into a Martian orbit. “Thus, we will have to compromise and put it into an orbit whose periapsis (distance closest to Mars) will be farther than 423 km,” Isro chief K Radhakrishnan told TV channels.

Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory wished their Indian counterparts luck a day ahead of the spacecraft’s insertion into Mars’ orbit. “Good luck MOM. From your JPL family,” read the message posted on Isro’s Facebook page.

Monday 22 September 2014

Google Closed Off in China

As part of a broad campaign to tighten internal security, the Chinese government has draped a darker shroud over Internet communications in recent weeks, a situation that has made it more difficult for Google and its customers to do business.

Chinese exporters have struggled to place Google ads that appeal to overseas buyers. Biotechnology researchers in Beijing had trouble recalibrating a costly microscope this summer because they could not locate the online instructions to do so. And international companies have had difficulty exchanging Gmail messages among far-flung offices and setting up meetings on applications like Google Calendar.

"It's a frustrating and annoying drain on productivity," said Jeffrey Phillips, a U.S. energy executive who has lived in China for 14 years. "You've got people spending their time figuring out how to send a file instead of getting their work done."

The pain is widespread. Two popular messaging services owned by South Korean companies, Line and Kakao Talk, were abruptly blocked this summer, as were other applications like Didi, Talk Box and Vower. U.S. giants like Twitter and Facebook have long been censored by China's Great Firewall, a system of filters the government has spent lavishly on to control Internet traffic in and out of the country.

Even as Google and other big technology companies have lobbied heavily for an easing of the restrictions, Beijing's broader scrutiny of multinationals has intensified. In late July, anti-monopoly investigators raided Microsoft offices in four Chinese cities to interrogate managers and copy large amounts of data from hard drives. Qualcomm, a big maker of computer chips and a holder of wireless technology patents, faces a separate anti-monopoly investigation.

The increasingly pervasive blocking of the Web, together with other problems like severe air pollution in China's urban centers, has led some businesses to transfer employees to regional hubs with more open and speedier Internets, like Singapore. And more companies are considering similar moves.

"Companies overlooked Internet problems when the economy was booming," said Shaun Rein, managing director of the China Market Research Group, a Shanghai consulting firm. "But now a lot of companies are asking whether they really need to be in China."

The chief technology officer of a startup in China said it had been especially difficult to use Google Drive this summer, making it a challenge for employees to share files and documents.

"We were hooked on collaborative editing," said the chief technology officer, who insisted on anonymity for fear of reprisal from the Chinese authorities. "You can edit a Word document or spreadsheet together and everything is kept in sync - that way our management could track the status of the products we were working on."

As Alibaba's initial public offering of stock in New York on Thursday demonstrated, China has produced many highly successful Web businesses. But many executives and researchers say that a number of homegrown Internet services are poor substitutes for the multinationals' offerings.

Jin Hetian, an archaeologist in Beijing, said it was difficult to do research using Baidu, a local search engine that has limitations for searches in English and other non-Chinese languages and that provides fewer specialized functions.

"I know some foreign scientists are studying the rings of ancient trees to learn about the climate, for example, but I can't find their work using Baidu," Jin said. "When in China, I'm almost never able to access Google Scholar, so I'm left badly informed of the latest findings."

Kaiser Kuo, a spokesman for Baidu, said the company focused on indexing websites written in Chinese, since most of its customers are Chinese speakers.

Access to some overseas academic sites has also been blocked. A Peking University professor was recently unable to file a letter of recommendation for a student applying to study at a U.S. university because China had blocked the school's website, said a physics researcher at Peking University who insisted on anonymity for fear of retaliation by the Chinese authorities.

Google's troubles in China have been building up for years.

The company shut down its servers in mainland China in March 2010 to avoid online censorship and began directing users in China to obtain unfiltered results from its servers in Hong Kong. The Chinese government then began intermittently blocking the Hong Kong servers as well, notably by halting the ability to reach the site for up to 90 seconds if a user tried to enter anything on a very long list of banned Chinese characters, including those in national leaders' names, and some English words.

Google began encrypting users' searches and results all over the world early this year, partly  in response to former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden's disclosures about U.S. government surveillance. That shift by Google - using Internet addresses that start with "https" - made it harder for Chinese censors to determine who was pursuing the types of inquiries that they discourage.

But the Chinese government responded on May 29 by blocking virtually all access to Google websites, instead of just imposing 90-second delays when banned search terms were used. Experts initially interpreted the move as a security precaution ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown on June 4. But the block has largely remained in place ever since.

"Internet security is being raised to a much higher degree," said Xiao Qiang, a specialist in Chinese Internet censorship at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Information. "It overrides the other priorities, including commerce or scientific research."

The Chinese authorities typically allow a tiny fraction of searches and other Google activities to go through normally each day, with a slightly higher percentage being completed from mobile devices than from other devices. The government even unblocks Google for several hours roughly once a month, before reblocking it.

Because censors permit a trickle of traffic to reach Google's servers in Hong Kong, many Chinese users keep reloading their Google pages again and again in the hope of getting through. This is creating an impression among many Chinese users, which state-controlled media have done little to dispel, that the problem must lie in shoddy Google service and not in the government's blocking of most Google activity.

"We've checked extensively, and there's nothing technically wrong on our end," said Taj Meadows, a spokesman at the company's Asia headquarters, in one of Singapore's most expensive harbor-front office buildings.

Meadows declined to provide any comment on the blocking, except to say that Google was still focused on selling mobile and display ads in China and on providing ads and other services to Chinese businesses seeking to attract global consumers.

China's crackdown on foreign Internet services coincides with two trends. One lies in the country's growing worries about domestic terrorism, particularly after a series of deadly attacks at train stations this year. The other is ever-rising nationalism, directed primarily at Japan but also at Japan's allies, notably the United States.

President Xi Jinping of China, who is also the Communist Party chief, has made clear that he wants to maintain the party's primacy. He has signaled the importance he places on controlling the Internet by personally taking the top position in the party's leading group on cybersecurity.

Internet users have tried any number of workarounds in China, with varying degrees of success.

Phillips, the energy executive, said some of his friends in China used Outlook email instead of Gmail because Outlook email tended not to be blocked. But he voiced reluctance to switch his own email account after seeing media reports of the government raids on Microsoft's offices. "What if they get blocked next? You can't keep switching services all the time."

Frustrated users have often resorted to virtual private network, or VPN, services to evade China's Internet filters. But those services, too, have come under concerted attack from the authorities, who have interrupted service to them with increasing frequency. Many ordinary citizens cannot afford or obtain access to VPNs to begin with.

In the meantime, Google's business continues to erode. Its share of the Chinese search engine market fell to 10.9 percent in the second quarter of this year, as the stepped-up blocking began to take effect - compared with one-third in 2009, when it still had servers there.

Google's problems extend far beyond search. Its application store, called Google Play, is only partly accessible in China.

That has led to the rise of a number of locally run application stores, which analysts say will sometimes market pirated copies of software or charge extra to promote a new application. Companies are often forced to create versions of their apps for China that are slightly different from the versions distributed to the rest of the world on Google's app store.

"Because Google Play has low market share" in the Chinese market, "app publishers who have applications worldwide on Google Play don't receive the proportionate share of users in China without publishing to local Android stores, even if they have localized Chinese versions," said Bertrand Schmitt, chief executive of App Annie, a company that tracks global app distribution.

Google also hosts publicly available libraries of coding scripts and fonts on its servers, but China now blocks these libraries. The chief technology officer at the startup said his company had resorted to creating its own libraries and hosting them on its own servers, wasting costly computing power and space.